Personalized Asset Allocation
Your Portfolio Is Unique to Your Financial Goals and Timeline.
Fairview Capital’s financial planning process informs our asset allocation decisions. Understanding your goals and timeline gives us confidence in recommending the right mix of equities, fixed income, alternative investments, and cash. Our online tools are available through your client portal so that you have ready access to your accounts and always know exactly where you stand.
We are tax-sensitive from the moment we start to manage your accounts
We start our relationship with you by analyzing your existing holdings. We always take tax implications into account whenever making purchase, sale, and rebalancing decisions.
Advice on external holdings
If you come to us with investments that we won’t be managing for you, such as real estate or a large single stock holding, we will advise you on how to best handle those assets without a charge. We will also consider them in our financial planning and strategy.
Regular reviews and consistent monitoring
We consistently review your portfolio as a team and adjust as needed. We enjoy meeting face-to-face with you to discuss any significant life changes but also use videoconference technology, phone communication, and email as needed.
Account access and communication
If you have questions or concerns outside of our meetings, we are always just a phone call or email away. In addition, by using our online tools available through your client portal, you have ready access to your accounts and always know exactly where you stand. We often travel to meet clients in their homes or places of business.